On the plus side, wrote a clever little toolbar that manages generated sparklines -- i.e. selecting and deleting them -- almost well enough to be called a sparkline manager.
Here are the macros that pull in and parse the plain-text reports generated daily by the bank's software:
Sub inputData(fname, aDoc)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fin = fso.OpenTextFile(fname, 1)
branchNamesStore = ""
openingCountsStore = ""
printingCounts = False
weHaveTabs = False
Do While fin.AtEndOfStream <> True
aLine = fin.ReadLine
Dim branchNamePoses(5)
branchNamePoses(0) = InStr(1, aLine, " BRANCH ")
branchNamePoses(1) = InStr(1, aLine, " BRANCH" + vbTab)
branchNamePoses(2) = InStr(1, aLine, " BRAN ")
branchNamePoses(3) = InStr(1, aLine, " BRAN" + vbTab)
branchNamePoses(4) = InStr(1, aLine, " BRANC ")
branchNamePoses(5) = InStr(1, aLine, " BRANC" + vbTab)
numAcctsPos = InStr(1, aLine, "OPENED :")
lineHasComma = InStr(1, aLine, ",")
branchName = ""
branchNameTemp = ""
numAcctsStr = ""
For posCounter = 0 To UBound(branchNamePoses)
If branchNamePoses(posCounter) <> 0 And lineHasComma = 0 Then
If posCounter Mod 2 = 0 Then ' No tabs in this file
i = branchNamePoses(posCounter) - 1
Do While Mid(aLine, i, 1) <> " "
branchName = branchName & Mid(aLine, i, 1)
i = i - 1
branchNameTemp = branchName
branchName = StrReverse(branchNameTemp)
branchNamesStore = branchNamesStore & " " & branchName
Else ' Tabs in the file
weHaveTabs = True
i = branchNamePoses(posCounter) - 1
Do While Mid(aLine, i, 1) <> vbTab
branchName = branchName & Mid(aLine, i, 1)
i = i - 1
branchNameTemp = branchName
branchName = StrReverse(branchNameTemp)
branchNamesStore = branchNamesStore & " " & branchName
End If
ElseIf InStr(1, aLine, "HEAD OFFICE") And lineHasComma = 0 And Not InStr(1, branchNamesStore, "HEADOFFICE") Then
branchNamesStore = branchNamesStore & " HEADOFFICE"
Exit For
End If
Next posCounter
If numAcctsPos <> 0 Then
i = numAcctsPos + 9
Do While i < Len(aLine) + 1
curChar = Mid(aLine, i, 1)
If weHaveTabs Then
If curChar <> vbTab Then numAcctsStr = numAcctsStr & curChar
If curChar <> " " Then
numAcctsStr = numAcctsStr & curChar
If Len(numAcctsStr) >= 2 Then Exit Do
End If
End If
i = i + 1
openingCountsStore = openingCountsStore & " " & numAcctsStr
End If
branchNames = Strings.Split(Trim(branchNamesStore))
openingCounts = Strings.Split(Trim(openingCountsStore))
Debug.Assert UBound(branchNames) = UBound(openingCounts)
For Each par In aDoc.Paragraphs
docLine = Mid(par.Range.Text, 1, Len(par.Range.Text) - 1)
If docLine = "\begin{acc_opening_counts}" Then
printingCounts = True
GoTo nextItem
ElseIf docLine = "\end{acc_opening_counts}" Then
printingCounts = False
GoTo nextItem
End If
typedNumber = False
If printingCounts Then
curBranch = Trim(par.Range.Words.First)
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
For i = 0 To UBound(branchNames)
If branchNames(i) = curBranch Then
typedNumber = True
Selection.TypeText Text:=" " & openingCounts(i)
GoTo nextItem
End If
Next i
If typedNumber = False Then Selection.TypeText Text:=" 0"
End If
End Sub
Sub importStats()
Dim theDoc As Document
Set theDoc = ActiveDocument
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
monthFolder = "\\accounts\MB_REPORT 2004\YEAR2004\DECEMBER2004\"
For i = 1 To 31
If i < 10 Then
fname = monthFolder + "Dhanmondi Branch 2004-12-0" & Str(i) & "\AC_OPEN_ALL"
fname = Strings.Replace(fname, "0 ", "0")
If fso.FileExists(fname) Then
inputData fname, theDoc
Debug.Print fname, "does not exist"
End If
fname = monthFolder + "Dhanmondi Branch 2004-12-" & i & "\AC_OPEN_ALL"
If fso.FileExists(fname) Then
inputData fname, theDoc
Debug.Print fname, "does not exist"
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
May not look like much but was a bitch to write thanks to the lack of regular expressions in vanilla Office VBA. This was the first half. The second half was even harder because even more ill-defined -- almost no one's ever done it before.
The sparkline generator:
Microsoft Word Object ThisDocument
Private Sub Document_Close()
End Sub
Private Sub Document_Open()
End Sub
Module NewMacros
Function sizeof(arr)
sizeof = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr)
End Function
Function sort(arr As Variant, Optional SortAscending As Boolean = True)
' Chris Rae's VBA Code Archive - http://chrisrae.com/vba
' By Chris Rae, 19/5/99. My thanks to
' Will Rickards and Roemer Lievaart
' for some fixes.
ToSort = arr
Dim AnyChanges As Boolean
Dim BubbleSort As Long
Dim SwapFH As Variant
AnyChanges = False
For BubbleSort = LBound(ToSort) To UBound(ToSort) - 1
If (ToSort(BubbleSort) > ToSort(BubbleSort + 1) And SortAscending) _
Or (ToSort(BubbleSort) < ToSort(BubbleSort + 1) And Not SortAscending) Then
' These two need to be swapped
SwapFH = ToSort(BubbleSort)
ToSort(BubbleSort) = ToSort(BubbleSort + 1)
ToSort(BubbleSort + 1) = SwapFH
AnyChanges = True
End If
Next BubbleSort
Loop Until Not AnyChanges
sort = ToSort
End Function
Function arrayMin(theArr)
Dim arr()
ReDim arr(UBound(theArr))
For i = LBound(theArr) To UBound(theArr)
arr(i) = Val(theArr(i))
Next i
If sizeof(arr) = 1 Then
arrayMin = arr(LBound(arr))
ElseIf sizeof(arr) = 2 Then
If arr(LBound(arr)) < arr(UBound(arr)) Then
smaller = arr(LBound(arr))
ElseIf arr(UBound(arr)) < arr(LBound(arr)) Then
smaller = arr(UBound(arr))
End If
arrayMin = smaller
sortedArr = sort(arr)
arrayMin = sortedArr(LBound(sortedArr))
End If
End Function
Function arrayMax(theArr)
Dim arr()
ReDim arr(UBound(theArr))
For i = LBound(theArr) To UBound(theArr)
arr(i) = Val(theArr(i))
Next i
If sizeof(arr) = 1 Then
arrayMax = arr(LBound(arr))
ElseIf sizeof(arr) = 2 Then
If arr(LBound(arr)) < arr(UBound(arr)) Then
bigger = arr(UBound(arr))
ElseIf arr(UBound(arr)) < arr(LBound(arr)) Then
bigger = arr(LBound(arr))
End If
arrayMax = bigger
sortedArr = sort(arr)
arrayMax = sortedArr(UBound(sortedArr))
End If
End Function
Function scaleHeight(num, max, theHeight) As Double
If max = 0 Then
scaleHeight = 0
scaleHeight = theHeight - (num / max) * theHeight
End If
End Function
Function lineChart(aLine, theHeight, widthMul, showAvg, vertPos As Single, ByRef header, Optional ByVal scaleSame As Boolean, Optional scaleMax, Optional scaleMin)
If Right(aLine, 1) = vbCr Then
theLine = Left(aLine, Len(aLine) - 1)
theLine = aLine
End If
theSeries = Split(theLine) ' Contains the header label
Dim numSeries() ' Does not hold the label
numNils = 0
For counter = 1 To UBound(theSeries)
If theSeries(counter) = "nil" Then numNils = numNils + 1
Next counter
ReDim numSeries(UBound(theSeries) - numNils - 1)
For i = numNils + 1 To UBound(theSeries)
numSeries(i - numNils - 1) = Val(theSeries(i))
Next i
If scaleSame Then
min = scaleMin
tempMax = scaleMax
min = arrayMin(numSeries)
tempMax = arrayMax(numSeries)
End If
max = tempMax - min
For i = 0 To UBound(numSeries)
tempNum = numSeries(i) - min
numSeries(i) = tempNum
If showAvg Then
sum = 0
For Each elem In numSeries
sum = sum + elem
avg = sum / UBound(numSeries)
avgHeight = scaleHeight(avg, max, theHeight)
End If
With ActiveDocument.shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, (numNils * widthMul) + 100, scaleHeight(numSeries(0), max, theHeight) + vertPos)
For i = 1 To UBound(numSeries)
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, ((numNils + i) * widthMul) + 100, scaleHeight(numSeries(i), max, theHeight) + vertPos
Next i
freeformName = .ConvertToShape.Name
End With
With ActiveDocument.shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, (numNils + i - 1) * widthMul - 2 + 100, scaleHeight(numSeries(i - 1), max, theHeight) + vertPos - 2, 4, 4)
.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 102, 255)
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 102, 255)
dotName = .Name
End With
With ActiveDocument.shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, (numNils + i - 1) * widthMul + 5 + 100, scaleHeight(numSeries(i - 1), max, theHeight) + vertPos - 7.5, 50, 15)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = strings.Trim(Str(numSeries(i - 1) + min))
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = RGB(51, 102, 255)
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
.Line.Visible = False
.Fill.Transparency = 1#
textBoxName = .Name
End With
If showAvg Then
With ActiveDocument.shapes.AddLine(numNils * widthMul + 100, avgHeight + vertPos, (numNils + i - 1) * widthMul + 100, avgHeight + vertPos)
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(153, 51, 0)
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineRoundDot
avgLineName = .Name
End With
End If
header = theSeries(0)
If showAvg Then
retval = Array(freeformName, dotName, textBoxName, avgLineName)
retval = Array(freeformName, dotName, textBoxName)
End If
For Each elem In retval
Debug.Print elem
lineChart = retval
End Function
Sub selectChart()
Dim ctl As CommandBarComboBox
Set ctl = CommandBars("Sparklines").Controls(2)
If ctl.ListCount < 1 Then Exit Sub
lineArr = Split(ctl.List(ctl.ListIndex), ":")
theNames = Split(Trim(lineArr(1)), ",")
Dim shapeNames() As Variant
ReDim shapeNames(UBound(theNames))
For i = 0 To UBound(shapeNames)
shapeNames(i) = theNames(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub deleteChart()
Dim ctl As CommandBarComboBox
Set ctl = CommandBars("Sparklines").Controls(2)
If ctl.ListCount < 1 Then Exit Sub
ctl.RemoveItem ctl.ListIndex
End Sub
Sub moveChartRight()
Dim ctl As CommandBarComboBox
Set ctl = CommandBars("Sparklines").Controls(2)
If ctl.ListCount < 1 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub moveChartLeft()
Dim ctl As CommandBarComboBox
Set ctl = CommandBars("Sparklines").Controls(2)
If ctl.ListCount < 1 Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub refresh()
End Sub
Sub myDocumentOpen()
CommandBars.Add(Name:="Sparklines", Temporary:=False).Visible = True
With CommandBars("Sparklines")
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=False)
.Caption = "Line Chart..."
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "lineChartGui"
End With
.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlDropdown
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=False)
.Caption = "Select"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "selectChart"
.Enabled = True
End With
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=False)
.Caption = "Delete"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "deleteChart"
.Enabled = True
End With
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=False)
.Caption = "Refresh"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "refresh"
.TooltipText = "Clears names of all charts from the list, whether charts are still in document or not"
.Enabled = True
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub myDocumentClose()
Dim sl As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
Set sl = CommandBars("Sparklines")
If sl Then sl.Delete
End Sub
Sub lineCharts(theHeight, widthMul, showAvg)
noTb = False
Dim sl As CommandBar
On Error GoTo makeToolbar
Set sl = CommandBars("Sparklines")
howMany = Selection.Range.Paragraphs.Count
If howMany < 1 Then End
lines = Split(Selection.Range.Text, vbCr)
theHeader = ""
For i = 0 To howMany - 1
theShapes = lineChart(lines(i), theHeight, widthMul, showAvg, 100 + i * (theHeight + 15), theHeader)
shapesStrTemp = ""
For Each elem In theShapes
shapesStrTemp = shapesStrTemp & "," & elem
shapesStr = Right(shapesStrTemp, Len(shapesStrTemp) - 1)
sl.Controls(2).AddItem theHeader & ":" & shapesStr
Next i
Exit Sub
GoTo continueWithTb
End Sub
Sub lineChartGui()
End Sub
Yup, very complicated. Hopefully will become simpler and simpler in future iterations. Sometimes wonder why I don't just switch to automating Excel charts.